If you've encountered the 'Invalid reset code' message while attempting to reset your password, it could be due to a couple of reasons:
Expired Reset Code: The reset code you're using may have expired. This typically happens when you're trying to use a reset password link that has been inactive for too long.
Newer Reset Request: Another possibility is that you've requested a new password reset since receiving the original reset email. In this case, the previous reset code becomes void.
To resolve this issue:
Check Your Inbox/Spam Folder: Look for the most recent password reset email in your inbox or spam folder. This email will contain the latest reset link that is still valid.
Use the Latest Reset Link: Click on the reset password link provided in the most recent email to initiate the password reset process.
If you continue to experience difficulties or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our support team for further assistance. We're here to help you regain access to your account smoothly.